Unit 45: Commercial Radio

Loryah Coke
Unit 45, Commercial Radio
Fay Stowe

Q: What are the main purposes of commercial radio?

In this essay that I am about to write, I will be talking about what the main purposes of commercial radio are and to explore the strategies used in the radio field. The main paragraph with contain brief information and the conclusion will be a small summary of what I have found out.

Commercial radio first began in 1920 on the 31st of August, although the first radio was invented in 1895 by Guglielmo Marconi. He was Italian, he was the man who prove the feasibility of radio communication as well as being able to be the first person to send and receive his first radio signal in Italy (1895). By the year 1899 he was able to flash a signal across the English Channel and then two years onwards he received the letter ‘S’ from England to Newfoundland.

You would typically find commercial radio stations either within an app on your phone or in the car on the radio. Depending on the audience of the station, the adverts played within the spaces of music would either be aimed at or attract the intended audience.

I feel like some of the adverts played on the radio are inappropriate because even though they may be aimed at the intended audience, the audience that may be listening might not be at that level of maturity to listen to the advert.

To conclude what I have written, it is clearly shown that commercial radio is solely for the purpose of entertainment as it manages to have a station for everyone that has different music preferences to enjoy. They are also very thoughtful when it comes to the time of day that people are listening to their stations, for example they will only play certain types of music at night rather than in the morning.

Bryan McLaughlin. (2018). Radio. Available: https://public.wsu.edu/~bryan.mclaughlin/Radio/Who_Invented_Radio.html. Last accessed 4th Oct 2018.


Friday 2nd November 2018

I think that things I have to consider when making an advertisement is to ensure that there is nothing offensive or subtle things that could possibly offend other people. I would also have to be mindful of the content that is displayed at specific parts of the day,being mindful about children and what they may be watching during the day.



Friday 9th November 2018

Radio Ad with the 3 Word Rule:

Inform - He is playing a 'game' to create a build up to what he actually had to say. He creates a scenario.

Persuade - It was more of a conversation - he is persuading you to watch your speed on the road by making you think about if there was a child in front of you and the consequences that could come with it.

Sell - 


Friday 16th November 2018


3 purposes of commercial radio:
- Advertising
- Events
- Selling newscasts

list 2 regulatory bodies:

- OFCOM - they can take it off or edit the advert.
- ASA - the same

3 codes in accordance to regulators:

- Use of children - watershed is when things are played after 9pm
- Politics
- Ethics

Reward and Punishment

Value Messages

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs:

4. Esteem
1. Physiological
5. Self Actualisation
2. Safety Needs
3. Love and Belonging 


(1115) Former President Obama unleashes on Trump, GOP - Full speech from Illinois - YouTube

Obama is using hand gestures,and scanning the audiencr,locking in eye contact with them.
His voice is clear and he pauses inbetween sentences.
Dress code is elegant.



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